Speaking from a very transparent lens, I have been thinking about entering the vastness of YouTube. Honestly, this has been my go-to place during the COVID Time for information and insight and as I explore my next steps in my outreach, I have to tell you that I’m a bit intimated. This, plus my LinkedIn profile picture is almost ten years old!
Not being what I would call a “model type” I wonder if my appearance would make a difference?
Back in the old days, I used to ask the question during my career seminars being, “should you use your picture in your resume”, which I was met with a big no. I would then respond by saying, “only you are confident that you are very good looking”. Now, these days this is inappropriate because a nice appearance comes in many ways, but the question still remains.
After quite a bit of pondering, here is where I have arrived.
First, if you want to share your picture or video, do it. If the person on the other side is put off, then they are missing the message. It’s not how you look, it’s what you say or write.
Second, filters are not a bad thing. iPhone and video cameras all tell a different story of how you look. I have spent a lot of time running from my iPhone to mirror asking, “is this how I really look?!!”, the reality is it does not matter (refer to my first point). But please be careful, as some of these filters go overboard and can actually make you look like a Disney Character!
Third, if you are a pop artist, actor, or model, then yes, address the appearance. For everyone else: who cares? Have you ever seen the Dali Lama, Ghani, Buddha, or the Pope, putting on the pancake to look good? Hell no. (Again, refer to my first point).
Fourth, I have spent some time watching the “experts” online who say that your picture is part of your “branding”. Now, this, unfortunately, is true but is there a meeting place of technology and reality. My thoughts and my recommendation is to have the old-fashioned “portrait” done. This is a time-tested approach and many don’t think of it. Also, with the tools available, your glow and natural energy will push beyond the common blemish or wrinkle while keeping your beautiful appearance integrity.
Lastly, at the very least forget all of it and focus on who you are and the gifts that you offer this world. It is in all of us and the key is not to look good, but to find the beauty in our existence.
What do you think? -Rick Baron, maldenconsultants.com